When my friend Aaron challenged me to compile a list of 100 things that bring me happiness, I jumped right to it. And I must say, it was a lot of fun to think about all of the little things that bring me joy. Even making my list was a blissful experience, allowing me to relive moments of mirth. I recommend that everyone start jotting down their own list and feel the delight in all of the wonderful things that surround your life. It's a good reminder of what we have when we feel despair. there is always plenty to be grateful for.
Here is my Happy Hundred: 

  1. Running by the ocean
  2. Snuggling with the kittehs
  3. The feeling of accomplishment after starting the day with some good cardio
  4. The 3rd floor loft/ library/ sanctuary
  5. Reading in bed while scratching Jeremy's head as he drifts off
  6. Smoothies in the sun (see also watermelons)
  7. Adventures with Aaron
  8. Annoying Emily after she's tormented the other cats
  9. Hiking & camping in the fall
  10. The fall (smells, tastes, colors, sweaters, boots, pumpkins, Halloween, hay rides, corn mazes)
  11. Feeling light after completing a to do list
  12. Being a partner/ owner of my own store
  13. Riding bikes and seeing the deer & bunnies on the island
  14. Sunsets by the water (sun-gazing)
  15. The comfort I feel in a library
  16. My bamboo sleep-shirt
  17. Meditation
  18. Positivity blogs, channels & books (i.e. SoulPancake, Eat Mangos Naked)
  19. Purgatory Chasm
  20. Hammock time
  21. Being hugged (genuinely)
  22. Learning the ukulele
  23. Brazil & the faith that I will someday soon, be back there
  24. My beautiful, wondrous, hilarious, talented friends
  25. Completing 100 squats in a row
  26. Discovering new artsy, indie flicks or music
  27. Vegan restaurants
  28. Vespas
  29. Brain games, logic puzzles and practicing new languages
  30. Purple & orange
  31. Watching my favorite shows with J while we eat big salads & such
  32. Funny memes
  33. The number 33
  34. Knowing that each day is the first day of the rest of my life
  35. Signs that my mother isn't gone (hummingbirds)
  36. Horror movies
  37. Picnics
  38. Spooning
  39. Fresh fruit
  40. Coloring books
  41. The Dollar Tree
  42. Drag queen culture
  43. Accepting & dressing my age, but keeping my flair
  44. The freckles on George's nose
  45. Broadway
  46. Karaoke nights with my pals
  47. 20's-40's style clothing, music, verbage
  48. Haunted houses
  49. Being the recipient of shoulder/ back rubs
  50. Consignment/ thrift stores
  51. Painting
  52. Rainy days inside with a book & tea/ rainy nights under the covers with the windows ajar
  53. All things David Bowie & Prince
  54. Stargazing/ meteor showers on a blanket with J
  55. iPhone
  56. Performing (theater, music)
  57. Whimsy
  58. Jeremy's cooking
  59. Feeling hydrated
  60. Flats (shoes)
  61. Visiting my family
  62. Cards Against Humanity
  63. Bright colors ( I will always be a product of my Rainbow Brite upbringing)
  64. Irish pride... without drinking myself stupid
  65. Kindle
  66. Naps in the sun
  67. Dancing
  68. Finding a new favorite show after it's popular and watching it marathon style
  69. Train rides
  70. Funky glasses
  71. Hello Kitty
  72. Writing this list and remembering all the things that make me happy
  73. Tea
  74. Alone time
  75. Amazon Prime
  76. The pride I take in my veganism and the hope that I inspire others to try it out
  77. The smell of coffee
  78. Watching clouds take shapes
  79. Art galleries/ museums
  80. Being alone in a movie theater
  81. Vibrams
  82. My closet
  83. Records
  84. Black & white photography
  85. The sound that new kittens make or watching a small puppy run around
  86. Sleeping in
  87. Baking soda /& ACV (household miracles)
  88. Faith in something greater than myself
  89. The beauty in grief
  90. Rebounding (mini trampoline)
  91. Staying true to myself, never being afraid of how others perceive me (see Weirdo)
  92. Making a meaningful connection
  93. Board-games
  94. 1950's/ 60's musicals
  95. Stepping on crunchy pinecones 
  96. Looking into people's eyes & finding kindness
  97. Knowing I have so much life ahead of me
  98. Dreaming every single day
  99. Grattitude
100. Jeremy

So, there you have it... 100 things that make me a happy girl. I could easily add 100 more. 
Your turn. Do it now!

Have a blessed day!

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