Sometimes you just need a day to let your mind & soul be free.
As some of you know, I'm in the process of opening a new store with my partner. Taking on an entrepreneurial endeavor can be very stressful at the start. And particularly so with an endocrine disorder that affects your energy levels.
There's soooo much to do! We actually delayed our opening by a week and so we have about 12 days to complete many, many projects before opening the doors. And any time spent away from these projects results in consuming thoughts about them. But, for exactly that reason, sometimes it's important to step away and take a breather. I realize that even though I'm devoting all of my energy to readying the store, I'm not doing my best, because I'm too overwhelmed.
So I'm taking mental health day, to relax and unwind & to nurture my soul.
Mental health is just as important as physical health. And even though there is always something pressing to get done and very little time to do it in, it's vital to make time for yourself. You'll be happier, and more productive for it.
Now, I'm shutting off the Internet and phone for the day. Time for a good book and a nap with my kitty loves.
I wish you a relaxing, beautiful day. <3

Love & Blessings,


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