Spidey FTW!!!
Because who doesn't love Spiderman? Seriously, the dude is ripped! 
And soon enough, I will be too.

I've started the infamous P90X program. Ow ow! Yeah, it hurts. But it hurts so goooooood.
My partner in crime (Jeremy) did it twice in the past and he got killer results. For those of you who haven't seen it before, check out his page: Ripped Raw Vegans. Those are muscles boys & girls. Now, I don't necessarily want to look like that, but I want to get toned and see what miracles my body is capable of performing. It helps that he's doing another round of P90X now. We're on different schedules, but it's still nice to know that we're both working on our goals.
I'm on week 3 and loving it. I've already lost 3 pounds and my strength is improving. Just another weapon to battle my P.C.O.S. (For those of you who don't know me or haven't followed my blog yet, I'm battling a 20 pound weight gain from this endocrine disorder. And I refuse to resort to medication.) P90X is definitely helping. And I'm excited to see what I'll look like on my 90th day. Eeee!
Trying this new & challenging workout has inspired me to go even further with the program and become a wellness coach for Team Beachbody. Because I love P90X so far and I've really enjoyed other Beachbody workouts in the past (Insanity & Hip Hop Abs), I believe in their programs. And I would really love to inspire people with my progress while helping others achieve their own fitness goals. I just ordered another one of their programs, Chalene Extreme. Gonna wait on that one until I finish P90X. Don't want to overdo it.
All I can say is, I know the ultimate results that I desire will come, if I put in the effort and give it my all.

Have you ever wanted to try a Beachbody program? Well, you know where to turn if you want to try it out. I can offer great deals on their programs and products. Feel free to check out my coach website: beachbodycoach.com/VEGANTORIA  
 Now I'm just gonna keep on keeping on and being your inspirational work in progress.

Peace, love & flat bellies,

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